About Us

Quality and confidence service.

Ozonocell led by Dr. Ana Laura Márquez Sierra, anesthesiologist and pain medicine, with more than 15 years of experience in the treatment of pain, we are fully confident that this will be a way to provide the most value to those who trust us.

We have developed our services thinking of making them available to the people with a new therapeutic resource that is safe and proven effective for patients, that is, the ozone therapy.

We are committed to developing a methodology of change and continuous improvement that takes into account corrective and preventive culture of our patients, facilitating the incorporation of innovations gradually, for their current and future health and well-being.

Our Mission

To build, renovate and strengthen a professional group focused towards addressing the needs of patients in an effective and feasible way to their abilities in order to lead the therapeutic application of ozone.


Our Vision

To bring the possibility of access to ozone for all the people. This modern and efficient therapeutic resource noninvasive, safe, outpatient, shorter periods of treatment, improving the quality of life and achieve an immediate active reintegration.

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